What To Do When Your Nose Piercing Starts To Sink In

Has your new nose piercing started sinking into your nose recently? Don’t panic, this is actually quite common for new piercings. There are a few reasons why a nose piercing may start sinking in or even disappear into the piercing hole, but the good news is there are also solutions to fix this issue.

Possible Reasons for Sinking or Disappearing Nose Piercing

  • Jewelry is too short or small: If the nose ring or stud used is too short in length or the jewel end is too small, it is more likely to sink into the piercing hole. The nose tissue can heal over the jewelry, swallowing it up.
  • Downsizing too quickly: Downsizing a new nose piercing too quickly before the piercing is fully healed can also cause the jewelry to sink in. The piercing hole has not stabilized at its final size yet, so downsizing too fast will result in the hole shrinking around the smaller jewelry.
  • Not using a nose pin or screw: Nose pins, screws, and bones are designed specifically for nose piercings. Using a ring or stud earring instead can increase the risk of the jewelry sinking in or falling out. Their shape and design do not securely fit in a nose piercing.
  • Still healing: A new nose piercing up to 6-8 weeks old is still healing, so the piercing hole size is continuously changing during this time. Using the initial long jewelry for too short a time before changing it can allow the piercing to start closing in around the new shorter jewelry.

Solutions to Fix a Sinking or Disappearing Nose Piercing

Here are some things you can do if your nose piercing starts to sink in:

  1. Get a longer barbell or labret – The initial jewelry used for a new piercing has extra room to accommodate swelling. But as the swelling goes down, the barbell can become too long and start to sink in. Get your piercer to replace the initial barbell with a longer one that fits your nose properly. This will relieve pressure and allow the piercing to heal.
  2. Do sea salt soaks – Sea salt soaks can help reduce inflammation and swelling. Make a saline solution with sea salt and warm water and soak your nose piercing in it for 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a day. The soak will draw out fluid and speed up healing. It can also help loosen up any crusties. This may help relieve pressure on the piercing.
  3. Apply a warm compress – Soak a clean washcloth in warm water and apply it to your nose for 10-15 minutes a few times a day. The heat will increase blood flow to the area and help reduce swelling. This can take pressure off the piercing and allow the surrounding skin to expand again.
  4. Be patient and avoid touching the piercing – Don’t touch, twist or fiddle with the piercing. This can irritate it, slow down healing and worsen the sinking in. Leave the piercing alone as much as possible. Over time, as the piercing continues to heal, the swelling will go down completely and the piercing should settle into the proper position.
  5. See your piercer again if needed – If the sinking in does not start to improve in a week with the above steps or gets worse, see your piercer again. They may need to remove the piercing, allow the area to heal completely and re-pierce to get the proper placement and prevent the sinking in from recurring.

Be diligent and patient through the healing process. Most of the time a sinking in nose piercing can be remedied with a simple jewelry change or by relieving pressure and reducing swelling. But see your piercer right away if you have concerns or your nose does not seem to be healing well.


In summary, a nose piercing that is sinking in or starting to disappear is usually due to factors like improper jewelry sizing, type or quality for a healing piercing. By addressing these issues with high quality, well-fitting nose jewelry and gradual downsizing, you can fix a sinking nose piercing and ensure it remains securely healed in the long run. Be patient through the healing period and see a professional if problems continue or get worse. Happy healing and enjoy your new nose piercing!

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