Why Does My Nose Piercing Hurt When I Move It?

Getting your nose pierced can be an exciting experience, but the healing process does require some care and patience. It is completely normal for a new nose piercing to be sore or tender for a few weeks after piercing. This is because the piercing is still healing and adjusting to the new jewelry. The more you move or manipulate the piercing, the more likely it is to become irritated or infected.

The good news is there are some simple tips you can follow to minimize discomfort from your nose piercing. By properly caring for your new piercing and avoiding excess movement, you can speed up the healing process and avoid complications.

Avoid Touching the Piercing

Hands off! As tempting as it may be, avoid touching, twisting or moving your new nose piercing. Any contact can introduce bacteria, irritate the sensitive piercing site and slow down healing. Only touch the piercing when performing cleaning with sterile saline solution and a cotton swab. Be very gentle and avoid over-cleaning.

Be Careful When Washing

Take extra care when washing your face or showering to avoid getting any harsh soaps, shampoos or facial cleansers in your piercing. The chemicals and fragrance in these products can dry out and irritate the piercing site. Gently splash water over the piercing or use a damp, clean cloth to wipe away any dirt or oils. Pat dry with a clean towel.

Wear Loose, Breathable Clothing

Tight fitting tops, scarves or any clothing that can put pressure on your nose piercing will cause discomfort and irritation. Stick to loose, breathable clothing, especially for the first few weeks of healing. This will minimize any rubbing, snagging or compression on your sensitive new piercing.

Move the Piercing Gently

Some movement of the initial piercing jewelry is typically required during the aftercare cleaning process or if you experience crusties that need to be wiped away. When moving the piercing, do so very gently and only as needed. Excessive movement, twisting or playing with the piercing can damage the healing fistula, causing pain, swelling and redness. See your piercer for a downsize of the initial long jewelry once the majority of the swelling has gone down to provide more stability during healing.

See Your Piercer for Any Issues

If your nose piercing continues to be painful or swollen after 4 to 6 weeks, or shows signs of infection like redness, throbbing pain, unusual discharge or bleeding, consult your piercer or doctor right away for treatment. While some tenderness is normal during the initial healing phase, an infection will require antibiotics to prevent serious complications. Your piercer can also assess if the jewelry is contributing to your symptoms and may downsize or change the initial piercing jewelry to support more comfortable healing.

With regular aftercare, avoidance of excess movement and close monitoring, nose piercing pain and discomfort should start to subside within a month. However, full healing can take 3 months to a year. Be patient and your nose piercing will reward you with a lifetime of style once healed!

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