Some piercers believe that repiercing the nose in the exact same location is not possible. However, this is a myth. Scar tissue that forms after removing a piercing is dense but usually only covers the entry and exit points of the piercing. The surrounding tissue remains largely unaffected.
It is often possible to repierce the same area if given adequate healing time. To successfully repierce the nose in the same spot, it is best to wait at least 3 months after removing the initial jewelry to allow the underlying tissue to heal fully. The surface opening may close much sooner, but the deeper tissue requires more time.
How Long Do Nose Piercing Holes Close?
Nostril piercing holes typically close within 4 to 6 months after removing jewelry. Thinner nose rings may close faster, within a few weeks, while thicker gauge rings or studs can keep the piercing open longer, up to 6 months.
Can You Pierce Over a Scar?

Yes, it is possible to pierce through a scar. Piercing scar tissue may require a larger gauge needle and exhibit the following:
- A popping or crunching sensation upon piercing the scar tissue. This is normal and will not cause harm or impact healing.
- Increased initial bleeding. Scar tissue has fewer blood vessels, so bleeding may be slightly heavier. Apply firm pressure for 10-15 minutes to minimize bleeding.
- Longer healing period. Scar tissue is less vascular, so new cell regeneration will take longer. Healing may take 6 months up to a year for nose piercings through scar tissue.
- The piercing may sit slightly off from the original site. Scar tissue may shift the piercing location or angle slightly. Minor differences will not prevent wearing nose jewelry but talk to your piercer about placement expectations.
- Crusting and discharge may be darker at first. Dried blood and plasma trapped in the scar tissue will release, causing slightly darker crusting for the initial week or so. With cleaning, discharge will lighten.
- Temporary redness or swelling. Scar tissue inflammation is common and redness or minor swelling may persist for up to 3 months as the piercing fully heals. See your piercer for severe or prolonged symptoms.
How to Pierce Over Scar Tissue
Piercing through scar tissue requires the proper technique and aftercare:
- Use a larger gauge needle. A slightly larger gauge, around 16g to 14g for nostrils, glides through scar tissue easier with less trauma.
- Apply firm pressure to minimize bleeding. Bleeding may be slightly heavier, so apply constant pressure for at least 10-15 minutes using clean gauze or paper towels.
- Clean the piercing 2-3 times daily. Use a sterile saline spray and soak or scrub away any crusting with gauze soaked in warm saline. Dry the area with disposable paper towels after cleaning.
- Watch for signs of excess swelling or infection. While temporary inflammation is normal, see your piercer right away for severe or worsening swelling, redness, or pus. Oral antibiotics may be required if an infection develops.
- Consider using nose screws or bone pins initially. Nose screws slide through scar tissue easier than CBRs or nose hoops which may require stretching the piercing prior to insertion.
- Allow up to 6 months or longer for healing. Be patient through the process and avoid changing jewelry for at least 3 months. Scar tissue piercings can take 6-12 months to fully heal.
With patience, proper aftercare and using a skilled piercing professional, successfully repiercing through nose scar tissue is very possible. The key is allowing adequate healing time before piercing, using a quality piercer, and diligent aftercare during the initial piercing and healing process.